Route map of Tasik Bera Eco-Challenge 2009
Route map of Tasik Bera Eco-Challenge 2009 at EveryTrail
Race Route map of Tasik Bera 1st leg on 2nd May 2009
Bera Race Information:
Saturday May 2, 2009
Lake Bera Resort, Tasik Bera
(plese refer to location map)
International: RM50
Local: RM20
If coming from Kuala Lumpur use the Karak to Kuantan Highway and exit at Termerloh.
Thereafter follow the location map for direction
Individual event
Distance : 24km ( Actual 25.4km according to my Garmin Etrex Vista HCx)
All meals not inclusive
Drinking water available at water stations along the course
For outstation participants please arrange your own accommodation. Click on accommodation for guide on where to stay. Advise to book early as room availability is limited.
5.30am (onwards) : Registrations:
9.00am : Race Starts
12.00noon : Race Ends
12.15pm : Prize Presentation (Juara Bera)
(Race starts/ends at Lake Bera Resort, Tasik Bera)
This event involves adventure racing. We are very concern about the safety of the participants. Medical assistance will be positioned along the race course to allow immediate attention be provided in case of any emergency. Medical treatment will also be provided at dedicated tops if so required. Medical evacuation team will be on stand by at all times.
You need to be mentally, physically and logistically prepared for this race.
Safety consideration: dehydration/hyponatremia, exposure/hypothermia, insects and dangerous animals (mosquitoes, bees, snakes, caterpillars, scorpions, leeches etc.) rugged, rough terrain and thick jungle.
Weather: Temperature between 25° - 35°C.
Race Route map of Tasik Bera 1st leg on 2nd May 2009
Bera Race Information:
Saturday May 2, 2009
Lake Bera Resort, Tasik Bera
(plese refer to location map)
International: RM50
Local: RM20
If coming from Kuala Lumpur use the Karak to Kuantan Highway and exit at Termerloh.
Thereafter follow the location map for direction
Individual event
Distance : 24km ( Actual 25.4km according to my Garmin Etrex Vista HCx)
All meals not inclusive
Drinking water available at water stations along the course
For outstation participants please arrange your own accommodation. Click on accommodation for guide on where to stay. Advise to book early as room availability is limited.
5.30am (onwards) : Registrations:
9.00am : Race Starts
12.00noon : Race Ends
12.15pm : Prize Presentation (Juara Bera)
(Race starts/ends at Lake Bera Resort, Tasik Bera)
This event involves adventure racing. We are very concern about the safety of the participants. Medical assistance will be positioned along the race course to allow immediate attention be provided in case of any emergency. Medical treatment will also be provided at dedicated tops if so required. Medical evacuation team will be on stand by at all times.
You need to be mentally, physically and logistically prepared for this race.
Safety consideration: dehydration/hyponatremia, exposure/hypothermia, insects and dangerous animals (mosquitoes, bees, snakes, caterpillars, scorpions, leeches etc.) rugged, rough terrain and thick jungle.
Weather: Temperature between 25° - 35°C.
At 3:32 pm,
Rozmi Yunus said…
Any result update for this event..
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