KL Tower Towerthon Challenge 2010

My Towerthon results in the past, present, and future:
- 2006: 19.55 - I ran faster, but I did not train on any staircases.
- 2009: 18.23 (13th place) - I trained only twice before the race by climbing 17 stories three times and four times.
- 2010: 17.06 (2nd place) - I trained for four weeks, climbing staircases two times in the first week, four times in the second week, five times in the third week, and four times during race week.
- 2011: My target time is 16.10, and I plan to train for eight weeks before the race.
At this year's race, most of the top runners and Thailand's runners participated. I ran with confidence, knowing that I was well-prepared for this race. Despite heavy congestion during the staircase climb, I finished with a time of 17.06 and won 1st runner up in men's senior vet category. I am thrilled with my performance and will remember it for a long time. Cheers!
I did not spend extra time training for this race, but I converted my usual running time into staircase climbing, and it worked! Next year, I plan to spend more time training on staircases to improve my time further.